Re: [orca-list] I can not access the help

Hey JosÃ.

Hmmm! Orca is installed in a diferent directory; /data/software/orca/dev.
Inside this directory I found share/gnome/help/orca.

Ah. So, a couple of things:

1. You can control exactly where the help winds up by specifying it 
   using --datadir when you run or configure.

2. You can add whatever path you specified as your datadir to the
   XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable.

You can either put Orca's help where your system expects it, or you can
put it where you would like and tell your system it should look there
too. <smile>

BTW, just to be sure, I just tried it just now. It works.

Hope this helps.

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