[orca-list] Help Update

Hey all.

There is no warning. Run for the hills. *grin*

I think all I have left to do is write the Documents and Form Fields

1. Help is hooked up.

2. Pressing the help button in the Orca main window brings you to the 
   main/introductory help page; pressing the help button in the
   Preferences dialog brings you to the main Preferences help page.
   (I had second thoughts about trying to be *too* helpful when it came
   to why the user pressed the help button and what we should display.)

3. The main/introductory help page has as its first link a link to the
   GNOME Desktop Accessibility Guide. And (here's the cool part): It
   loads that page in Yelp now. Total props to Attila for sorting that
   one out!

4. The initial preferences help page has as its first link 'Introduction
   to the Orca Screen Reader' (which brings you to the main/introductory
   help page). This will make it easy for people who didn't actually
   want preferences help.

5. Each guide page (the main help page, the main preferences page, the 
   main commands page) has now been stripped of my excessive verbosity.
   <smile> As a result these guide pages should be much more table-of-
   contentsy so that you can quickly jump to the topic you want.

6. I added a bunch of images taken from different parts of the Orca
   GUI elements. While it's not of much use to the target audience,
   maybe it will be of use to sighted developers whom we would like
   to try using their app with our screen reader. <shrugs>

7. I cleaned a bunch of stuff up: Stuff I caught, stuff Attila caught,
   stuff Alan Coopersmith caught. (Thanks Attila and Alan!)

So... I need to take a bit of a break. And perhaps a nap. Then I will
tackle the Documents and Form Fields pages. In the meantime, please,
please read the help, proofread it, give me corrections (plain text is
awesome), etc.

All in all, I think our help is shaping up nicely.

Thanks guys!

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