Re: [orca-list] Console multimedia was Re: Which web browser does Orca work well with?

On Monday 30 August 2010 08:40 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
Not to defend Orca / gnome or whatever but it is interesting to
discuss the pros and cons of exclusive text mode or gnome interfaces
and yet, what I love about gnu/linux in general is the different ways
we can get things done.  I find myself maybe using gnome 30 to 40
percent of the time and the remainder in the text console with a
mixture of speakup and emacspeak.  Yes, emacs is a rich environment
within its own self.  Thunderbird is nice but I still can't beat the
performance and efficiency I get from mutt in the console.  But whenit
comes to the web, I rely almost exclusively on Firefox, even with its
performance issues and Mozilla bugs<sigh>.  I love the structural
navigation features sported by Orca and other windows screen readers
too much.  Between the lack of javascript support and structural
navigation with text mode browsers, I just don't see how those can
even be viable anymore.

Would like to know, if you are using Ubuntu?
I also want to configure emacspeak with espeak as the synthesizer.
Can you mail me the details off the list?
And +1 again for your views on firefox.
I won't say its too compelling, but if I i were to minus the bus we have then I can call it state of the art accessibility. But even with the bugs I have same views and feel that its only on rare situations that I feel irritated with firefox.
Bring me a more efficient solution for not using firefox with Orca.

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