Hello Chris and all interested in ardour,Have you tried the manual for ardour at http://en.flossmanuals.net/ardour/? It looks like it may deal with some of the issues you mention like starting jack.
Michael Whapples On -10/01/37 20:59, Alex H. wrote:
Hi all, Audacity does allow you to rename tracks (such as Guitartrack1, drum1, etc) and this is accessible on the Windows side, but orca didn't read the tracks as I arrowed through them on Linux. This might have changed though since my last use of Audacity. You can also solo tracks and so on to hear the individual tracks. @Chris, wow! Something not normally seen is accessibility, this is great news about ardour! Now if only that jack thing would resolve itself... Best of luck! Alex On 8/19/10, VojtÄch PolÃÅek<krecoun gmail com> wrote:You are right, tracks aren't labelled. But you can silence track when it is playing and so you can determine on which track you are. It's not the greatest solution but it works at least for me. Vojta On 19.8.2010 19:26, Nolan Darilek wrote:-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'd be very interested in what you find out with this. Please keep us posted. When I last messed with Audacity, it seemed like editing with it would be impractical. When I work with audio, it routinely includes several tracks which I want to work with individually, and I didn't see how Audacity made that accessible since track names weren't spoken. Maybe that has changed, though. On 08/19/2010 12:22 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:Wail? Hmm! Artour looks like it might actually! be accessible, believe it or not. The only real issue I'm seeing is it's telling me that jack can't be started, when I try loading the audio engine with all the default settings. Huh, wonder if that is cause it's trying to use alsa, yet speech dispatcher is using... no? that couldn't? bew? as SD uses pulseaudio now. Huh! Hmm! Oddness! Now I'm r'really! perplexed. Any ideas? Chris. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alex H."<linuxx64 bashsh gmail com> To: "Chris Gilland"<cgilland1 carolina rr com> Cc:<orca-list gnome org> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:02 AM Subject: Re: [orca-list] I'm ready to completely convert except for one major? thingHi, I'm not aware of any DAW software that works well with orca and Linux. I've heard of ardour - http://ardour.org/ Works on Linux and the Mac. Don't know how accessible it is though. If you're serious about converting to Linux but want the best of both worlds, you could always get a virtual machine software like VMWare Workstation (it's GTK based so it should work with Orca), and install Windows in that. You'll then need to install a Windows screen reader (JFW, NVDA) in order to use the VM. You could install CakeWalk that way and then just close that VM when you're done recording/saving/mixing etc. The drawback is, if you don't have great hardware, the performance will be less than perfect and it's more of a pain using a virtual machine than a help at that point. HTH, Alex On 8/19/10, Chris Gilland<cgilland1 carolina rr com> wrote:Literally speaking, there is really only, for the most part, one incredibly major thing which is keeping me from switching 100% to the Linux platform. If someone would be willing to help steer me in the right direction, I literally could be a total convert by the end of the week, at the rate we're going. This is so promising it's not funny! The only? thing that really is truely stopping me is, as I stated before, I am a professional musician. I get pad for my music... it's my job. Right now, I'm using a keyboard which I have midied to my desktop audio production machine, which right now's running both xp pro Corporate sp3, as well as Wubu, which has been converted to vinux with the Vinux scripts. In xp, I use both Soundforge 8.0, and Sonar 7.0 Producer Edition. Being that I am not just a vocalest, but also am a country pianest, I don't want to let the tallent that god gave me go to waiste. If I convert to Linux, I'm scared I will not have any good audio multi-track recording sollution. Yeah, there is audacity, but my thing with Audacity is, I don't think you can create full blown midi sequences with it, can you? I know you can save in the midi format, say, convert a midi to mp3, or say, make a horrendously hallacious! good for absolutely nothing! piece of crap in my results at least, version of an mp3 to a midi file, but that is not what I want to do. Not even close! I want to be able, using my keyboared, just like in Cakewalk, to be able to sit down, bang out a full fledged sequence multi-tracked of me playing, say piano, strings, guitar, base, and maybe drums, then be able to on top of that midi sequence, be able then to multi-track with my microphone my lead vocals, and maybe some very light backing harmony. If you all would like to hear something I did under Windows with sonar, to give you an example of what type music I wish to make in Linux, let me know. I've probably got an mp3 around here somewhere I could share off list. I'm just not sure how to do this. I've heard of rosegarden, but obviously that I think, is QT based, so pretty much, forget it. I also know of Jokosher, I think it's called, but I couldn't figure out how to get that darn thing to work to save my life, and it didn't seem like it could do midi input, although it's very likely it will and I didn't experiment with it enough. I know this is not exactly! Orca related, so to tie it back into Orca, the main thing is, I need something productive that would be doable with Orca, and may I add, could be done efficiently with little to no work hardly at all. I'd be interested if there are any blind musicians on here who have recorded in Linux. I know some of you all've done podcasts, so you all can't 5tell me we don't have any audio guru Linux savvy people on here. I just need someone who is patient who could get me started. I'm great at figuring things out on my own, and also on reading documentation, etc. so if you at least could get me started, and at least show me the very very basics of the program you suggest, I can probably take it from there. Thank you profusely! for any help. I can't wait for some responses to come in either on or! off list. God bless. Chris. _______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Visit http://live.gnome.org/Orca for more information on Orca. The manual is at http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-access-guide/nightly/ats-2.html The FAQ is at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/FrequentlyAskedQuestions Netiquette Guidelines are at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/FrequentlyAskedQuestions/NetiquetteGuidelines Log bugs and feature requests at http://bugzilla.gnome.org Find out how to help at http://live.gnome.org/Orca/HowCanIHelp_______________________________________________ orca-list mailing list orca-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list Visit http://live.gnome.org/Orca for more information on Orca. 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