Re: [orca-list] notifications not announced when using movie player


Yes I confirm the issue.

The notifications are still occuring - if you look at the log file that
records them all


You'll see that they do.

I don't know if the notifications are showing up on screen or not.

I thought it might be a setting in movie player to block them if sound
is being played but I can't find anything in either movie player or
gnome preferences.

So I dunno if it's an Orca thing... or a pulse thing...


On 17/08/10 16:45, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Hi all.
When I am hearing music using movie player orca does not announce the
messages produced by some kind of notifications.
One example is when I disconnect my laptop from the outlet. If I am not
using movie player, orca announce that the battery is discharging. If
I am hearing something using movie player, orca does not announce that
the battery is discharging.
Anyone can confirm?

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