Re: [orca-list] Fix for bullet presentation needs your testing love

My testing which I detailed on the bug patch review was all done while
using Open TTS; not sure if I clarified that point or not.

A different question: can you recommend some quick steps to test the
supperscript/subscript deal for your other gcalctool bug?  I haven't
done a lot with gcalc so some quick start hints might be in order for
me to test more quickly.


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 03:48:38PM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey folks.

I have just attached a proposed fix for bug 620109 [1] - Speech
Dispatcher (and OpenTTS?) do not present bullets from OOo Writer. In
addition to solving the reported problem, that patch will be needed so
that I can fix another issue, namely that Orca doesn't present the
superscripted and subscripted numbers in Gcalctool.

I tested this patch quite a bit using Speech Dispatcher in Ubuntu
Maverick. I made a parallel change for OpenTTS, but I've not yet had the
opportunity to test it. Given the impending string freeze, etc., etc., I
would really like to get this fix in for 2.31.6. Which is Monday. So....
If y'all happen to be around and in the mood to do some testing, I'd
really appreciate your giving my patch [2] a try.

In the meantime, I'll go back to the gcaltool issue.

Thanks in advance guys!


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