Re: [orca-list] Structural navigation commands bound with the exception of radio buttons

Hey Attila.

Joanmarie, I would like thank you this change, I have only one question:
This change is committed now only master branch, or this change will be
awailable both master and final Orca 2.30.1 or next maintenance release
(for example 2.30.2 or 2.30.3 maintenance version)?

Just master. Releases to the stable branch are intended to be low-risk,
high-impact bug fixes. Taking these in the reverse:

The addition of these keybindings is technically not a bug fix. Those
keybindings were intentionally unbound; it was a design decision. That
we have since decided we'd like them bound, largely because it would be
a nice thing to do for new users, makes it an enhancement.

The worst-case scenario is that the stable-branch user has to bind them,
maybe reading some docs and/or asking on the list in the process. That's
not a good thing, but it's not a really, really bad thing either. It's a
mere inconvenience. High-impact means that it addresses major issues for
many people. I don't think this qualifies.

I'd say this probably does count as low risk. But.... What if there's a
user out there who's not on the orca-list who made the binding for
heading be c and shift c because 'heading' in his language starts with a
'c'? The next time he gets the latest update from his distro, he will
have a keybinding conflict. And that might make him mad because a stable
release update broke something for him.

And all of the above completely ignores the fact that we're very
strongly considering rebinding the live region keys so that we can use r
and shift r for radio buttons. Changing existing commands to use
different keystrokes definitely breaks the low-risk, high-impact bug fix


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