Re: [orca-list] Moving forward on Firefox

Humm, I wonder what the difference could be. I can't get this thing to work at all on two different platforms but it seems to work for you <sigh>. You're sure you're using 3.6.3?

I might go out and download the strait binaries from Mozilla and remove the Arch Binary; hopefully the Arch package maintainer isn't doing something stupid to it. Can't think of that possibility though. though I saw some patches being applied in the PKGBUILD script but have no idea what for. I like to use the package if possible because it gets maintained by the distro package maintenance routine and integrates well with gnome's internals such as spawning the program from e-mails and right clicking of links in gnome terminal. But anyway, Is the bookmarks organization library working for others as well?

On 04/05/2010 11:03 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
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Hi Steve
Nope, can't reproduce this one either, at all. I can arrow up and down
through the folders without a hitch.

On 04/06/2010 02:00 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
I just checked out the save bookmarks dialog and the problem persists
there also.  To repro this, press Ctrl-D to begin saving a bookmark.
Then tab over to the "show all folders" button and press it.  Now try
and arrow up and down through the provided list.  For me, focus jumps
out to the Done button.  I's just like the other dialog in behavior.
The little bit of messing around in FF 3.6.3 hasn't really shown me a
change at all in performance but I've been in here but a short while.

This bookmark thing really means a lot to me and while broken, I must
remain with the older version til somebody figures what they broke and
can fix it.

On 04/05/2010 01:36 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
Hi Steve
As of a few minor updates ago, the bookmarks dialog doesn't seem to be a
problem anymore. I'm running Firefox 3.6.3 on my Ubuntu systems and can
manipulate bookmarks just fine. This was a minor update to 3.6.2, though
I don't know exactly when. In fact, with the caret navigation now
working pretty well (sorry Bill, haven't had a chance yet to test your
patches out) and the bookmarks problem fixed, I've moved over to 3.6
completely. There are certain situations where 3.6 gives me noteable
performance improvements particularly when using some types of
structural navigation on complex pages.

On 04/05/2010 07:47 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 05:18:48AM -0400, Bill Cox wrote:

Yes, I believe the code that has been so problematic has been mostly
rewritten, and is now in much  better shape.  It is possible that we
could disable "Grab focus on objects when navigating", and "Use Orca
caret navigation".  I don't know what causes delays in Orca when
navigating large web pages, but I do think we need to improve the
performance if possible.

Yes, performance is a big issue.  I'm quite new to the developer side
of Orca as I'm just learning python and using git with more advanced
commands than 'clone'.  But thanks to the option to turn off grab
focus, recently added to Orca, that basic part of FF 3.6 is workable
again.  But another major concern for me has been the inability to
organize bookmarks in 3.6x.  When you arrow around in the bookmarks
organize dialog, focus constantly jumps out to the "More" button.  I
find it nearly impossible to use that feature and furthermore, if you
wish to save a bookmark, you can't pick and choose destination folders
without the same navigation problems in that dialog.  For this reason,
I've been sticking to version 3.5 for now.  I do realize I can't stay
there forever so these things need to be worked out.

I do feel aprehensive about branching off to a stand-alone version of
Firefox however; how easy would it be to get the
improvement/corrections rolled back into the mainline product?  I
don't wanna see us stuck with some "blind version" of the browser.

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