Re: [orca-list] orca speech uncontrolled and jumbled with speech-dispatcher

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 04:32:54PM +0530, Krishnakant wrote:
Daniel, can you please tell me the exact steps you took to solve the

Can't remember if it's exactly what you see, but you could try 
dpkg -l |grep pulse -i
note all the pulseaudio package names
eg. pulseaudio pulseaudio-whatever etc, and then simpley apt-get remove
all of them.

Yeah not the nicest solution, but worked for me...

If sounds stop altogether, don't blame me :p but they shouldn't alsa
should naturally take over as it did on debian and ubuntu for me.

I just had choppy speech mainly.
But this sounds like it could be a pulseaudio thing if u haven't removed

infact if that'st the case then there has to be some arrangement for
setting a blindness profile wherein if a user selects orca or turns on
the related accessibility, pulsaudio is turned off and alsa started.
Perhaps we create a small profile config package which does just that.

Probably not as easy as if orca running then 
default_sound_system = alsa, because i think it needs to modify for  all
apps not just orca.
But maybe not. A lot of work when you can just do what I said above and
get it solved.

Why hang on to packages that are buggy? Oh I guess stopping the pulse
deamon could work, but that wasn't the approach I took.


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