[orca-list] partial gdm accessibility with ArchLinux

Hi All,
I've been doing some reading in the gdm reference manual for Gnome 2.28.
It seems that in this version gdm configuration was changed
considerably.  It was moved into the gconf database.  There are a few
keys which control whether accessibility features are started at the
login screen or not.
Using these keys, I've managed to get orca to say "Welcome to Orca" at
the screen.  However, tabbing around elicits no response.  There seems
to be a shutdown button and possibly a button for standby mode as well,
but neither of those read.
Is this a sign that my default gdm greeter is somehow incompatable with
orca?  As far as I'm aware it's the simple greeter.  I went ahead and
disabled the user list, again with gconf keys.  No dice.
Incidentally, these keys are all stored under the gdm user's gconf
database.  Modifying them is a string of sudo commands.
Any advice would be appreciated.  Do I need to run orca configuration as
the gdm user too, just to set up things like keyboard echo?
Thanks much,

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