[orca-list] Fw: Pronunciation issue with ibmtts


I am forwarding this message I posted a few days ago on the speech-dispatcher mailing list. I'm currently looking for a way to replace certain characters that orca sends to the speech engine in order to avoid some pronunciation issues when using such an environment on a French system.

Please read the message below and if you have an idea of how we could solve the issue, you are welcome.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Olivier BERT" <olivier bert terramitica net>
To: <speechd lists freebsoft org>
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 1:00 PM
Subject: Pronunciation issue with ibmtts

Hello all,

I'm experiencing a small issue while using ibmtts with speech diispatcher.
It is not specific to the use of Speech Dispatcher, but I think it will never
be fixed in the ibmtts engine itself.

In french, some punctuation characters are preceded by a 'non-break space'
character (0xc2 0xa0 in utf-8). When Speech Dispatcher processes a text
string for ibmtts, it converts it from utf-8 to cp1252 (I think) because
ibmtts doesn't understand utf-8. After this conversion step, non-break
spaces are replaced with the code 0xa0. I finally come to the problem:
when ibmtts encounters a word followed by this character (0xa0), it spells
this word instead of pronuncing it normally.

I'm currently looking for a way to solve this issue in a clean way.
Is there a way to replace every non-break space by normal space in the
Speech Dispatcher code ?

I mainly use speech-dispatcher with orca and I've tried to fix the problem
by adding an entry in the orca's pronunciation dictionary. But, as the
non-break space is considered to be a space by Orca, it doesn't work.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Tel : +33 (0) 6 07 69 79 71
Mail : olivier bert terramitica net
PGP public key : http://obert.terramitica.net/Olivier%20BERT.asc

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