Re: [orca-list] Accessible VOIP systems

The default in debian unstable, so it was 2.x (not sure of the exact version) just updating to the version in experimental (3.0.1), see how that performs.

Michael Whapples
On 23/12/42 19:59, Jacob Schmude wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi
Which version of Ekiga are you using, 2.x or 3.x? I noticed some of these issues in 2.x but moving to 3.x fixed them.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 19:01, Michael Whapples wrote:

Hi Krishnakant,
When you tried ekiga did you notice any accessibility issues? I found that the reliability of being able to tab into the edit box for entering the address was not the best, sometimes I got there sometimes I seemed to miss it on tabbing round. Also I think some of the settings on the audio preferences wasn't quite right in how they were spoken although flat review did clear it up and once learnt then you would know what is what.

A slight aside, is SIP audio quality dependent on the SIP provider? Krishnakant were you using for your provider, when I tried it I was using an account at but obviously never quite configured ekiga to work correctly with that account as calling in ekiga didn't work as expected or as in linphone (this isn't a reflection on ekiga but more on my skills at using ekiga, may be an account is easier).

Michael Whapples
On 13/03/09 19:00, Krishnakant wrote:
On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 07:51 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:

Regarding this and the follow on comments - this is good stuff, IMO.
Michael - can I put you in charge of keeping a summary and then we can
work to get it on the Orca WIKI under ?


Just a quick comment, ekiga has good sound quality, I tryed it with orca
and it worked for me *Warning* I did not try it all by myself, My
sighted girlfriend was with me during that session.

But what ever I tryed, worked with orca fine.

So this is to testify that ekiga gives pritty good sound quality.

happy hacking.

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