Re: [orca-list] Orca 2.24.4 and file manager dialogues

Hi Steve:

The performance problems are kind of on both sides. Nautilus ends up spewing a bunch of events to Orca when it is populating the list. This causes some degradation in the AT-SPI infrastructure and can slow down the whole desktop. Orca then needs to process all these events, slowing Orca down and potentially slowing down the desktop even more if Orca needs to make queries back to Nautilus for each event.

We could potentially try to make some improvements in Orca to ignore these events, but I've not really been able to figure out a graceful way to do so yet. It may be quite obvious, but I haven't been able to dedicate a lot of time to looking at the problem yet. On the Nautilus side, they might be able to prevent the event storm from happening in the first place, but it might interfere with some UI design they have in place (e.g., visually populating the window at the same time it is analyzing the contents of the directory).


On Mar 9, 2009, at 4:37 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

Hash: RIPEMD160

I think the default view is icon for all directories but it remembers
which folders specifically you went into if you changed views.  Ctrl-1
chooses icon view and ctrl-2 chooses the vertical list view.  I don't
think these changes affect open and save dialogs.  I haven't generally
run into a lot of latency with open and save dialogs but I hadn't
really paid a lot of attention to that situation either.

I still wonder if Orca has anything to these major performance hits or
if it is Nautilus whether Orca is running or not.

On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 11:53:37PM -0400, Dave Hunt wrote:
I can try changing to Icon view, thanks.

Would this effect file listings generated by "open" and "save-as" type
dialogues?  How would I make this change global and persistent?



On Mar 8, 2009, at 11:16 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

Hash: RIPEMD160

I don't know if this is the same problem or not but I've noticed all
along with Nautilus that if you use the listview mode for listing
files that very large listings take an inordinate length of time to
become available and Orca hangs during that waiting period.  If you
open the same directory in icon view instead, it opens up much
faster.  This is something I have never liked about Nautilus.

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