Re: [orca-list] Pronunciation dictionary is not working

On 08.03.2009 at 22:08:47 Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> wrote:

The pronunciation dictionary is for words, whereas what you're trying
to do is create pronunciation for non-alphabetic characters such as
punctuation characters.  These characters are used for delineating
words, so they won't be passed to the pronunciation dictionary.

When you are arrowing around, Orca will use the sayCharacter function
to speak the character, and this will ultimately use the
dictionary if you are using gnome-speech (speechdispatcher has a
different philosophy/means for speaking characters, so Orca relies
upon speechdispatcher to do the right thing).

I tried this indeed with Gnome-Speech.

If you want to change the spoken word for a character, and you are
using gnome-speech, you might try something like this:

import orca.chnames
orca.chnames.chnames['"', 'zitat']
orca.chnames.chnames['<', 'kleiner']
orca.chnames.chnames['>', 'groesser']

Thank you.
Is there an alternative to writing this manually, e.g . can this be
implemented into Orca's settings dialogue?
And what to do with  my former entries, delete them?

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