Re: [orca-list] Automatic reading of live regions

Hi Javier:

If you use the same version of Orca and one version of Firefox works but the other version of Firefox doesn't work, my first suspicion would be a Firefox regression.

Can you tell me more specifically about the exact versions of Firefox you are using? "firefox --version" should hopefully give you the information. If you want more precise detail, you can use the Help->About dialog. Depending upon which [broken] version of Firefox you are using, you might need to do one or both of two things: 1) run firefox using "GTK_MODULES= firefox" to clear GTK_MODULES, and 2) Alt+Tab away from the About dialog and back to it in order for it to be navigable and understood by Orca.


Recently I have been testing with the Reefchat accessible ARIA web chat
with the latest ff3 3.06 coming with Ubuntu, and the latest nightly
build of Minefield.

Using Orca latest trunk, with FF 3 updates to the chat area cannot be
read automatically. But If I use Minefield it works nicely.

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