Re: [orca-list] Orca, speech-dispatcher and eSpeak stability

Except that Voxin is 32-bit only and further, depends on an outdated version of glibc that, while it works now, may not continue to do so. While Voxin 0.2 can be easily installed on 64-bit systems, it's still 32-bit only and takes a bit of effort to get working on 64-bit. Also, there are bugs using Voxin with orca and speech-dispatcher, certain punctuation marks do not get spoken or are given odd names. I've not been able to figure out if this bug lies in speech dispatcher or orca, since Orca doesn't exhibit this behavior with espeak but sd/voxin only exhibits this behavior with orca and nothing else. Remember, pulse output is a must, he mentioned several times that straight ALSA is not acceptable, so this means sd must be used. Trying to wrap the Voxin gnome-speech driver i padsp leads to a very unstable system indeed, it's the most unstable of all the gnome-speech drivers when used this way with Orca.
As for dectalk, can it even be purchased anymore?

On Mar 7, 2009, at 04:10, Hermann wrote:

On 06.03.2009 at 22:14:37 Lorenzo Taylor <daxlinux gmail com> wrote:

I reported the bug with speech-dispatcher and eSpeak on the
speech-dispatcher list. It appears to be some kind of bug with alsa or
something, even though I am running pulseaudio here and am having the
same problem. I received a reply on that list that suggested I either
have speech-dispatcher output via OSS or use gnome-speech. I liked
either of these options less than I liked having to create a hotkey to
a small script that will restart speech-dispatcher and Orca, so the
latter is what I did. Hopefully this bug will be fixed very soon.

It last since one year, so I am not that optimistic.

get tired of losing speech, even though I can just press a key
combination to restart it. And gnome-speech isn't the best option for
me either, since its eSpeak driver is now bypassing pulseaudio ...

A third solution is to spend a few bugs, stimulate our economy and buy
either Voxin or Dectalk. I've bought Voxin, and now I'm able to use SD
via Alsa output.
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The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
        --Douglas Adams

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