[orca-list] problems transfering music to i-pod

i am still having problems transfering music to my i-pod in linux.
i open up rhythmbox when my i-pod is attached.
my music cd i want to copy from does appear to spinn and when i check the sources list, i now realize i do see audio cd and also new i-pod in the list of sources when i arrow through them. when i select the cd source and tab over i do see the track listings and when i open the pull down menus with f 10 i can choose the select all from the edit menu and copy when i am on the audio cd source. i then tab back to the sources list and find my i-pod which states new i-pod but there is no option to paste the selected music across to that source so what am i doing wrong? i tried shift F10 to see if there was a context menu only i just get things about play list and there seems to be no option in rhythmbox for transfering files. even browsing the library directory options under preferences and browsing the list and setting it to audio cd doesn't appear to make any difference.

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