Re: [orca-list] Determining ,m5u ,%ortcuts1 and Flat Review Toggle

Hash: RIPEMD160

One place where one really has to use flat review is in the terminal.
You can't use the arrow keys because that would cause you to react
differently depending on what application you are running from the
shell.  Arrow keys work fine in emacs for example but not in the less
viewer.  Also, there is still a major problem with ghost or
blead-through text and pressing the flat review minus key does seem to
"freshen" the display.  I think it more as a route review cursor to
the real cursor.

Also another time when I use review features like flat review in Orca
and the mouse pointer keys in Window-Eyes is to review static text not
found in any of the controls you tab to.  This quite common in
Windows.  Maybe less so in Gnome but still, there is text to be read
that you will not hear by just tabbing around a dialog.  Flat review
does fill this void.

On Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 09:31:09AM -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Kevin:

Thanks, Will, for the info on the access keys.  I should have thought
about "Where Am I."

Heh - no problem.  It's a new system.  Ideally it should "just work" and 
present you with the information you need without require you to think 
about it.  That is, I think it is more important for you to accomplish 
the real task at hand (e.g., getting your job done) versus needing to 
figure out which knob to turn and which button to push.

I understand review mode and real focus.  I've been a JAWS user for a
long time.  What I don't understand is what the flat review toggle key
does, as it seems that the number pad arrow keys always do flat review,
and the minus key doesn't seem to have any effect that I can see.

All it really does is tell Orca to do the work to turn flat review on or 
off.  Turning flat review on involves an expensive computational  
analysis of the text in the window.  In effect, however, KP_5 does just  
about the same thing as turning it on via KP_Minus.  Once flat review is 
on, pressing it *should* take you right back to the object that current 
has focus.

shouldn't I be able to review away from the focus cursor when I'm in
menus as well, in order to check spellings of menus I don't understand,
or am I expecting functions outside if what was intended?

That might be a bug.  :-(  I'll check, but I think flat review currently 
just reviews the active window and not any other transient things such as 


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