Hello, I am unsure whether you are talking about knoppix on a LiveCD or on a hard disk installation and whether you mean orca starting automatically when X starts or whether you mean to get X to start automatically. Here are some instructions for the LiveCD. Put the CD in the CD drive and reboot the computer with it booting from the CD. Almost immediately after the CD starts spinning the boot prompt appears (it may be about 1 or 2 seconds, but it is very soon), just press enter at this boot prompt. The CD will spin and the system will start to load. When it has finished booting you should hear espeak talking a menu (default option is for help). If you don't hear this then your sound card may not be automatically detected, I am sorry I can't suggest much here to help in this case. Anyway assuming you do hear espeak, cursor down to the graphical option, press enter and then either select openoffice or firefox if you only want to use those applications but if you want a full desktop environment select the full X session option. When you press enter on one of these options the CD will spin and load more stuff, you will hear a message telling you it is loading and then you will hear the "Welcome to orca" message (be aware that orca may start before the desktop is fully ready, in this case just wait for the desktop to finish loading). If you meant something else please say what you meant. Also I don't know if you have noticed but the list automatically sends reply to the sender not to the list, if you want your response to go to the list then reply to all or manually change the to field. I guess if you want more information on a different situation you will want it to go to the list as there may be others more familiar with knoppix than me. Michael Whapples On -10/01/37 20:59, hank smith wrote: