Re: [orca-list] new cherrypal africa


It is interesting that this Cherrypal has Ubuntu and ORCA.  It sounds
like a fabulous unit - now if we can only convince a hardware maker to
make an inexpensive brailler, we would really have something.

Maybe an install of Vinux (Linux for Visually Impaired and Blind
users) with command line programs, and a minimal install of ORCA and a
small desktop would be possible.

Best wishes,

David Ring
Green Harbor, MA


On 12/27/09, Josh <jkenn337 gmail com> wrote:

please if appropriate pass this onto the list and all other blindness email
starting next week the $99 africa netbook will be shipping
with either windows xp or Ubuntu Linux. So instead of paying $6000 for a
brailleNote, you could pay $1900 for the Africa and aph refreshabraille. I
have written the owner of cherrypal asking him to include NVDA, firefox, and
Jarte in there also.
Why pay $6000 for a braillenote when the Africa costing $99 and a new
refreshabraille costing $1695 you have a notetaker with braille display for
$1800 or so. Don't feel like paying $1695 for a braille display? I've seen
themm on the ACB braille forum high tech swap shop for $100 or so at times
and also on ebay.
so with that combination you can now have a decent notetaker with speech,
spend $50 on ms-office, download simpleocr or buy fineReader pay $50 for a
cannon canoscan and you have yourself an ok notetaker and reading system for
$200 or $300. So once again starting next week cherrypal will ship the
Africa netbook with your choice of Ubuntu or Windows xp, hopefully,
eventually knoppix and knoppix-adriane as well. and perhaps later down the
line, vinux.

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 gmail com
Tired of Microsoft Windows and paying thousands for screen-readers? try out
NVDA for Windows, or try out and switch to grml, Ubuntu, Vinux, or
knoppix-adriane Linux desktops. Knoppix ubuntu and vinux-cli-max are the
most accessible for beginners.

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