Re: [orca-list] Orca doesn't work with Debian Squeeze

On 20-12-2009 3:52, Jason White wrote:
Halim Sahin<halim sahin t-online de>  wrote:
No, it's afaik a problem with at-spi-registryd.
Check if it's running after login.

I think that problem was fixed; try upgrading to Sid, or you can check the
list archives as the solution was documented there a few months ago.

Well, when I look at ps -ef at-spi-registryd is running. I think you meant this Debian bug, which is fixed in the version of at-spi that's on my system:

Also, speechd isn't the problem. In a TTY it works fine through brltty and the spd-say command speaks. And as I said earlier, when launching Orca from a text console, the welcome message is spoken.

I don't really like upgrading the whole system to Sid. Furthermore, before I reinstalled the thing it was an up to date Squeeze install as well, and it worked fine as others described here also.
Any thoughts how I should go on troubleshooting this one?


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