Re: [orca-list] Orca and QT4 applications

On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 09:16 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
We will likely need a new script for Qt, but I'm still trying to keep it 
a goal that the new AT-SPI/D-Bus pyatspi is a drop in replacement for 
the existing pyatspi (i.e., existing Orca scripts will remain the same). 
Oh, in that case, May I repeat my request which I had made a couple of
times before.
I would be more than happy to hack some scripts and help out too.
But I was informed that due to this dbus work, there is currently no one
who is attempting to write a scripting howto or manual.
But if some basic documentation is available, then people like me can
get up and running pritty fast.
For example I am already on some huge free software projects and don't
get much time to read lengthy comments or browse a lot of code just to
get the basics right.
A manual would be prefered.

happy hacking.

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