Re: [orca-list] "Freezing" Orca's flat review


Dorado Martínez, Francisco Javier <FDMA once es> schrieb am Do, Apr 16, 2009 at 07:46:32 +0200:
Sebastian, that sounds as a good RFE for flat review.
Would be nice to change back to focus tracking mode only when the user presses E.G the switch to focus/flat 
review function, and stay at flat review until that happend if the user has flat review activated.
I see pros for the current solution and for the other one. I think the best
would be to activate such a function with a key stroke.

Perhaps this might be a new setting for the preferences dialog.
Can you file this on Bugzilla?
Is this the right place? It's more a feature request than a bug.


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