Re: [orca-list] Upgrading to Intrepid - failed on two systems

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 03:35:54PM -0400, Rich Caloggero wrote:
Each time, I kept getting some message about network-manager not finding 
some resources - that's the entire error message - no details or explanation 
of what resources are missing.

I've had problems with Network-manager in the past, and I know others who have
had very negative experiences with it. This is why I've removed it from my
Linux installations. Under Debian at least, it is easy to remove it and Gnome
can be updated without having network-manager re-installed.

In your case, this may be more difficult if the installation process won't run
without it. Have you tried the alternate Ubuntu installation image - the one
with the text-based installer?

I would suggest installing a basic system first, then adding Gnome and Orca
once you are sure that the fundamentals of the operating system are all in
place and working reliably.

I haven't had any Ubuntu experience, so I'll leave that side of the matter to

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