Re: [orca-list] orca and rhythmbox

I haven't used Rythmbox for quite some time. Have the gracking of listbox items really improved that much? Last time I used it, I had all kinds of problems with Orca reading the correct item when navigating the left pane and the library listings. If so, I'll look forward to playing with it as it has a radio station deal in there; it reminds me a lot of Itunes.

My other question about rythmbox is "How does one seek around within a playing track? With mplayer and totem, you can simply use the left and right arrow keys. I couldn't do that with rythmbox.

Thanks for the update.

Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Dan.

Orca and rhythmbox works really well, so thanks a lot to all the people
that worked on that.

Part of me wishes we could wipe our collective brow, exclaim "Phew! It
was sure a lot of work for us!", and pat ourselves on the back. But we
cannot. Rhythmbox is a nice example of what happens when an application
is made to be accessible on the application side of things. Makes our
jobs much, much easier. <smile> So thanks to any and all Rhythmbox guys
who happen to be listening!!

That said....

How do I rate my tracks with orca and rhythmbox? People tell me
properties, details, rating and you selected how many stars or
something. I see the word rating on this tab with flat review, but what
exactly do I do with orca so I can choose a rating?

I use Rhythmbox all the time, but I rarely (read never) rate songs.  I
just took a look, however, and I do not see any way to get at that via
the keyboard. The 'R' of 'Rating' is underlined suggesting it's the hot
key/accelerator, but Alt+R isn't working for me.  Further examination in
Accerciser shows that the whole Rating bar is a single object (a panel).
The five stars that are displayed within that panel do not seem to be
individual accessible objects (or a single collective child of the
panel) either.

Looks like a Rhythmbox bug that needs filing I'm afraid. Sorry!

Take care.

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