Re: [orca-list] litle oftopic

I think the following message was meant to be sent to the list, please
note that the default rply to on list messages is the original sender
not the list, use "reply to list" or "reply to all", or even manually
change the to address when replying if you want the reply to go to the

I don't know much about festival itself, so may have this wrong, but I
didn't think espeak and festival worked together. I believe both
festival and espeak can use mbrola voices. Also both festival and espeak
have speech-dispatcher drivers, so can be controlled through

Michael Whapples
On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 17:37 -0500, Scott Berry wrote:
Hello there Mike and all,

Just wondering how do you get espeak to work with Festival.  I didn't
know that they ould work together.  if this is orret then I'll try that
and report my findings.  This may be what I need.  I don't plan to use
Festival for a long time but for the time being I need to do so.


On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 20:35 +0100, Michael Whapples wrote:
On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 16:08 +0200, mattias wrote:
i try to use ubuntu via vmware on windows
when i use festival with gnome-speech the sound sounds bad
but when i use festival via speech-dispatcher the sound are perfect
Speech-dispatcher manages the audio for the synth where as gnome speech
uses the synths audio output system. I feel the speech-dispatcher
approach is better for the audio output than the gnome-speech one. I do
wonder though whether applications should be able to instruct
speech-dispatcher to use specific output (like SAPI5 allows windows
applications), and should the application not specify an output, then it
could fall back to a default in the speech-dispatcher configuration
(again like SAPI5 does).

Michael Whapples

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