Re: [orca-list] litle oftopic

Aha i understand

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Michael Whapples [mailto:mwhapples aim com] 
Skickat: den 11 oktober 2008 21:36
Till: mattias
Kopia: orca-list gnome org
Ämne: Re: [orca-list] litle oftopic

On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 16:08 +0200, mattias wrote:
i try to use ubuntu via vmware on windows
when i use festival with gnome-speech the sound sounds bad but when i 
use festival via speech-dispatcher the sound are perfect hmmm?
Speech-dispatcher manages the audio for the synth where as gnome speech uses
the synths audio output system. I feel the speech-dispatcher approach is
better for the audio output than the gnome-speech one. I do wonder though
whether applications should be able to instruct speech-dispatcher to use
specific output (like SAPI5 allows windows applications), and should the
application not specify an output, then it could fall back to a default in
the speech-dispatcher configuration (again like SAPI5 does).

Michael Whapples

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