Hi all,
The other day I happily discovered that I can add
to my gnome panel a little application that tells me the weather outside
(raining, temperature etc...) which is very useful if you can't really see it
when you wake up and you don't feel like opening the window. Well, I went to the
prefferences for this applet, and there is a tree view for you to select where
you are (so they can give you the correct weather...). Whenever I try to
interact with this presentation using orca, the prefferences window closes, and
I find myself back on the desktop. But this is not too important, because I can
keep opening my window every morning if necessary... The problem is that when
using Evolution, which I just configured on that machine (I have used it
successfully on the other one) the same thing happens when I go to the tree view
where you can brouse the folders (local folders, email accounts etc). This time
it's even worse, because I can't even start interacting with it. As soon as the
focus is set to the tree, evolution closes and I'm back to the desktop, with no
error messages or anything. When I open evolution again there's nothing weird,
but if I go back to that tree view it crashes again. So basically Evolution
doesn't work. What could I do? I reinstalled both orca and evolution and it
keeps happening. I have been using the last version of orca from