[orca-list] Cannot use Tieman Voyager braille terminal in Ubuntu

Hello users, developpers  from Orca,
Dear Herman and John, thankyou for the sugestions and advices.
Itried the commands and the instructions you wrote to me,  but unfortunately I didn's succeed to connect the Tieman Voyager braille terminal to use it toghether with Ubuntu and Orca.
During testing and trying , ifound the key to the solution:
The versions of the Tieman Voyager braille terminals I am using are equipped with an USB controller type VID.
That means that this type of usb-controller is not making automatically contact with the computer when connected to the
ARe there Tieman Voyager braille terminals with another type of usb-controller?
I ask this question because other people can work with a Tieman Voyager in Linux.
When Iam using the standard startup from Ubuntu:
1) Brlty is automatically starting up,
2) It is not detecting, connecting my Tieman Voyager even when I am entering USbport 0 and type of brailleterminal vo.
In the file /etc/brltty.conf Ican read that this file was configured correctly.
3) AFter logging in Ubuntu, Orca is starting without braille support.
4) In the text console I can make connection with the Tieman Voyager by typing sudo brltty -b vo -d usb:.
5) When I use the commmand lsusb the Tieman voyager is present in the usb-list.
That means that the Tieman Voyager was detected after the usb-services. has been started, All types of usb-devices can be detected at that moment.
6) After making connection (By hand in the text console )w Istill cannot use Orca in the graphical mode, even when I restartedOrca.
I Think to connect comfortably with brltty, I need a braille terminal with a standard serial port or a HID usb-port
My conclusions
The only solutions for my Tieman Voyager braille terminals are:
Updating the vid usb-controller  to a HID usb-controller if possible.
Another option is
Changing the startup- procedure for brltty and ubuntu and orca. I have to find the best sequence for starting up.
During start-up brltty has to be configured exactly with
brltty -b vo -d usb:
Afger this instruction ubuntu and orca can be stated.
How can i solve this problem?
Best regards,

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