Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu 8.10 and sound recorder.

hi balaram,
indeed that sound recording problem is there.  Anusha has experienced
it as well.
By the way I hope you have done all the updates and upgrades after installation.

for bluetooth you must add the proprietory drivers.
so you would need the non free repors enabled.

the same applies to wifi drivers.
happy hacking.

On 12/11/2008, balaram <chess balaram gmail com> wrote:
Dear all,
After I have upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10,my system is crashing when I try to
play the recorded clips wit sound recorder.
Then again, I am not able to transfer files through bluetooth which I
was able to do with ease with Ubuntu 8.04.
Any solutions?
Thanks in advance,
P. Balaraman.

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