I just tried the opensolaris live CD with orca and
braille. I started brltty with the command
brltty -A auth=none
and then got orca to reload its settings. At this
point braille output worked fine, but speech output seemed to stop. I haven't
tested this alot but it seems that the following is true:
it isn't fully reproducable (I mean that exactly
what happens seems to slightly vary, but this may be down to me not giving it
significant testing to figure out if these differences are to do with different
starting conditions).
Speech output does not necessarly completely stop,
I have had it so it wasn't reading information from the screen but announcing
its own internal messages (eg. key echo and "orca settings reloaded" or whatever
it is when you press OK or apply in the orca settings dialog).
What is wrong here? Is my brltty start command
Michael Whapples