Re: [orca-list] Comments regarding Ubuntu

On Wed, 28 May 2008, Chris Hallsworth wrote:

Hi all, well I took Ubuntu for a very good test drive, and, although I like
it, I have a couple of comments and possibly some urgent help.
1. I can't believe that a blind person can't perform administrative tasks as

They can, just follow

And ask if you don't understand something.
Also, make sure you read the sudo part and follow the instructions for sudo...

all, or should that be the other way round. It just asks me to select a
desired voice, gives me the language and appropriate accent, the words
"select choice", and that's it. Again can this be fixed at all? I can run
Orca using the standard Gui fine.

That isn't correct...

Terminal a lot, then I think the only way is to do lots of reading and maybe
attempt to use my BrailleNote mPower as a bluetooth display so I can "feel"

Well, ok, but I use usb to serial, since bt is very hard to setup and usb to serial I guess is more stable...
If your interested I can get a supported model number for you.
Also, you could use braille in a text-console, amd you could also use speech in gnome-terminal.

So let me know if you are interested in this usb to serial since they are hard to find and you could then perhaps buy one off ebay.

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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