Re: [orca-list] system admin

Hi Mohammed:

Unfortunately, doing things as the 'root' user is a very risky thing if you are not familiar with Linux. You risk trashing your system (i.e., needing to reinstall it), opening it up to security risks, etc. As such, if you do not know how to edit files yet, you may not be at the point where you should be doing things as the root user.

I wish there were currently a more automated/foolproof way to configure this stuff. Right now, however, you need to have basic file editing skills and some level of Linux knowledge to do the work. Ideally, your distribution would come with things already configured and ready to go, but it's not at the point yet.


Mohammed Al-shar' wrote:

hi list.
on the Orca page there are instructions to enable system administration on hardy with Orca as follows: "SYS ADMIN:

1) Create root's ~/.orbitrc file (/root/.orbitrc, with and of root.root with a mode of 644 on my system):


2) Edit /etc/sudoers to add the following line after the line with "env_reset" in it:

 Defaults env_keep+="GTK_MODULES"

Everything else seems to have been taken care of by Luke and Ubuntu (thanks Luke!), at least for my decrepit Toshiba Tecra M2 laptop. " can anyone of you help me by rewriting this in a clear step by step instructions? I don't know how to create a file yet, and I forgot how to edit a file as root. thanks.
Mohammed Al-shar'


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