[orca-list] system admin

hi list.
on the Orca page there are instructions to enable system administration on hardy with Orca as follows:

1) Create root's ~/.orbitrc file (/root/.orbitrc, with and owner.group of root.root with a mode of 644 on my system):

2) Edit /etc/sudoers to add the following line after the line with "env_reset" in it:
Defaults env_keep+="GTK_MODULES"

Everything else seems to have been taken care of by Luke and Ubuntu (thanks Luke!), at least for my decrepit Toshiba Tecra M2 laptop. "
can anyone of you help me by rewriting this in a clear step by step instructions? I don't know how to create a file yet, and I forgot how to edit a file as root.
Mohammed Al-shar'

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