Re: [orca-list] Orca and Administration in Ubuntu 8.04 steps.

On Mon, 19 May 2008, Darragh wrote:

Hey, I am confused, what are you doing?
What's wrong with starting everything from the cli with sudo and just
editing /root/.orbitrc and /etc/sudoers?

On Wednesday, when I tried this first, adding the file to /root alone did not work.

The file needed to be in my users home directory.
I've absolutely no idea why.

No, that is infact incorrect, please refer to the wiki for correct instructions.

Again, these are the first instructions to be written for this.  IF your not happy with it, do it better your 
self.  New users to Ubuntu need how to's and guides and since 7.04, documentation has been getting slightly 
dated.  following these instructions will get you speech feedback in administration tools.  They may not be 
the most effective or easy to follow, but they work.

They are your instructions...
Not mine...

Anyway, not to stop you from writing documentation, but why rewrite stuff if it is clearly documented on the orca wiki? And your instructions aren't really correct, look at the ones on the wiki and make small changes if required, but the main idea there is correct. I don't know what your talking about running orca in root mode or whatever, that is not at all required.

An edit of /root/.orbitrc, and /etc/sudoers is enough.
sudo admintool
will work...
Also why use an editor to write to orbitrc? What is wrong with the cat method on the wiki?

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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