Re: [orca-list] Orca preferences - can't change synthesizer

Dnia 2008-03-24, pon o godzinie 12:00 +0100, Halim Sahin pisze:
[...] edit speechd.conf and 
comment out the lines containing:

It works, but for me it's a little strange. It means I still can't
change synthesizer in Orca if there is a default synthesizer for
particular language...

I made next test - now the Ivona module returns single voice description
("Jacek","pl","demo") instead of NULL. If I have commented out
LanguageDefaultModule for Polish I have two items in Orca voice list:
"ivona default language(pl)" and "Jacek(pl)". I am able to switch from
Ivona to eSpeak and backwards in any time.

But if I have LanguageDefaultModule "pl" "espeak" (which is my
preference, because Ivona module is not stable and has several bugs) - I
still have listed all eSpeak languages instead of "Jacek" voice even if
I try to switch to Ivona...

IMO I should be able to override default settings in application


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