[orca-list] Orca preferences - can't change synthesizer

Hi all

Very strange...

All the time I had only one module in speech-dispatcher enabled (as only
eSpeak was able to speak Polish). I just finished my first really
working version of Ivona module and I added Ivona to speechd.conf
(leaving espeak as default).

Start orca... preferences... change synthesizer... switch to "Ivona".

First strange thing: in voice list I can see "default ivona
language(pl)" _and_ all of espeak languages. Ivona does not support
voice/language switching...

select "default"... apply... I still hear eSpeak!

Quit, Orca, look into user_settings.py. All seems to be good...

Start Orca. In preferences I can see "ivona", but still hear eSpeak.

spd-say "test" - output with eSpeak.
spd-say -o ivona "test" - output with Ivona.

Quit Orca. In speechd.conf I set ivona as default synthesizer. Restart
speechd, start Orca.

Still eSpeak...

spd-say "test" - output with Ivona. All other applications (including
Yasr) uses Ivona - but not Orca!

For now the only method to use Ivona with Orca is load only this module,
which is not my goal (while developing new module I must compare
behavior of new module with perfectly working eSpeak).

Any idea?


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