Re: [orca-list] building atk gail and atspi

Hi Eric,

Welcome to Orca

I use Ubuntu, so wouldnt know the exact answer, but doing:

find / -iname at-spi-registryd 2>/dev/null
should give you the location where it is installed (after a while).
i get:
and hence the argument you should give to the instelation is
just the directory part of that.

as for the other prefixes, /usr/ is probably fine.

Hope this helps.

On Sat 22/03/2008 at 16:14:51, Eric Kosten wrote:
Hello all.
Ok, now I re-read the building from sources page.
Now, my question:
which dir holds the atspi registry??
which dir should one specify for gail and atk?
fedora 8 is running on this pc.
In the instruction sheet for atk it speaks of the --prefix=/usr
does this apply for fedora?
thanks for putting up with a new user; I promise I will gain further understanding as I progress.

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