[orca-list] Handicap accessible application

Hey guys!!

I'm developing an application for people that can't move their arms well, or just can't move them.

I would like to create some key bindings with the mouse but it seems impossible to lock some buttons or use any button of the mouse as a modifier.

The application works fine, it detects which is the nearest icon to the pointer and after some seconds change the pointer position to that icon.

There are some things that I would like to ask.

1) is there a way to create key bindings with the mouse?

2) What else could I implement in this application?

3) any new idea?

Thanks a lot

P.S: here is a desktop video of mouseTrap working[0]

[0] http://www.flaper87.org/files/videos/mouseTrapDemo.ogv

Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Debian of course.
Key Fingerprint: CFC0 C67D FF73 463B 7E55  CF43 25D1 E75B E2DB 15C7
The Solution to everything:
python -c "from struct import pack; print  pack('5b', (41*len('99')), pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"

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