Re: [orca-list] just wondering why inflection of espeak is not good in orca?

Hi Krishnakant:

I don't know why the prosody and/or fundamental frequency contour might be any different. Can you given an example sentence that demonstrates the issue? In addition, can you try running the 'espeak' command from the command line with the sentence to see if the problem shows up there?

I'm not sure about a female voice for eSpeak. These voices are listed as 'variants' for eSpeak, but they are not being exposed via the gnome-speech driver as far as I can tell. I'm also not sure how to determine the available variants via a method call and I'm CC'ing the eSpeak folks on this mail in hopes they might be able to help.


Krishnakant Mane wrote:
I just happened to see my friend use nvda on windows and espeak had
good inflection level with that free screen reader.
why espeak is not to its full inflection capacity with orca?
as a side note, a few days back I used emacspeak with espeak and found
that espeak had good inflection tone.
secondly I want to use female voices of espeak with orca, can some one
guide me how I can go about it.
happy hacking.
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