Re: [orca-list] gnome-speech seems to block orca

Yes one of the problems is the internal dictionary and I knew there is
plans to allow turning it off, I didn't know it was already in CVS.

I do still have a couple of problems. The IBMtts module doesn't seem to
use the right speed all the time. An example is that here at work I use
my computer in one account for work stuff, then I close X (I use startx
to start X rather than GDM), then at the text console I switch to my
personal account with su, and then start X (with startx again) and orca
speaks but it is at the speech-dispatcher default rate. This rate will
not go to what orca is set to unless I alter orca's rate, at which point
speech-dispatcher then reflects the orca setting. I suppose (if I am
actually right in saying it goes to the speech-dispatcher default rate)
I could set the default rate to what I want orca to use to solve this.

The other problem, possibly more of a general speech-dispatcher problem,
is that I need to set orca's rate to maximum when using
speech-dispatcher and IBMtts, I believe I am actually going a little
faster in gnome-speech (gnome speech can go much, much faster with
IBMtts). This wasn't such a problem for me with espeak as I didn't use
it quite as fast as I use IBMtts.

Michael Whapples
On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 15:08 +0200, Tomas Cerha wrote:
Michael Whapples wrote:
I have never noticed this with orca and speech-dispatcher, but at the
moment gnome-speech seem better (a part from this problem) as there are
a couple of things with speech-dispatcher and the IBMtts module that
make it not so good.

Just for your information, if your problem with ibmtts and Speech
Dispatcher was the ibmtts internal dictionary, it should be possible to
turn it off in the current CVS version of Speech Dispatcher (thanks to
Gilles Casse).

Best regards, Tomas.

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