The spell check dialog is now working much better
for those of you using svn trunk. However, in the process of testing Orca's
support for the spell check dialog, I found that the spell checker seems to skip
obviously misspelled words on occasion. For instance, if you send yourself
a message containing the sentence:
This is a porly spelt messsage, isn't
Note that there are four misspelled words in that
sentence: porly, spelt, messsage, itt.
When I run the spell check on this message, the
spell checker doesn't identify messsage as being misspelled. I have
checked my personal dictionary, and "messsage" is not an entry. In a
slightly differently phrased message, the spell checker didn't identify "itt" as
being misspelled.
If someone else can confirm this behavior, I will
look at filing a bug with Mozilla.