Re: [orca-list] emacspeak

On Sat, 2008-07-26 at 19:28 +0300, Veli-Pekka TÃtilà wrote:
mattias <mj mjw se> wrote:
has anyone get emacspeak up and running on ubuntu 8?
how to do it?
If someone manages to do this, please let me know, too. I hate F-Lite
with a vengeance! I would far prefer to use Festival, whose Finnish and
Brit English voices automagically appeared in Orca after I got the
voices in  Synaptic, also in Emacspeak. The bad thing about this auto
magic is that I  don't really understand speech dispatcher, and given a
choice, wouldn't  really want to, <bashful smile>.
It appears that you can use festival from emacspeak. You will need
espeakf (notice the "f", not to be mistaken with espeak). There is a
sourceforge project for espeakf ( although it
doesn't seem obvious there about downloading it, the standard
sourceforge information page for the project is at
( I haven't paid attention
to when the last release was, it may be best just to get it from cvs
(unless ubuntu provides a package for espeakf). I don't know how well it
works as I don't use it as I use viavoice now (whilst viavoice has not
got the Finish voices you want, it does have British voices). Viavoice
is fairly simple to get working with emacspeak.

Michael Whapples

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