Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: Firefox Accessibility Extension 1.2 is available, please write a review]

Dnia 24-01-2008, czw o godzinie 15:47 -0500, Willie Walker pisze:

For FF3 users, the link is

When installed, this adds an "Accessibility" menu to the Firefox menu 
bar, allowing you to get to some pretty good meta information and "list 
of {headers, forms, links, etc.}.

I think this is interesting work and encourage people to try it out and 
send feedback to Jon.

I use this extension since 0.99 version, it's really very usable
especially for low-vision users.

Should I send the bugs (and solutions) also to Jon? The bugtrack seams
to be dead :(

I am familiar with XUL and JavaScript, so may be I could help.


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