[orca-list] [Fwd: CONFIRMED (Re: Tentative: Tue 19-Feb UTC 21:00-22:00 (Re: GNOME A11y Community IRC Meeting))]

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Hi All:

Given the responses I've received, this meeting is confirmed.

Thanks, and see you in a few hours,


Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

I will wait until tomorrow to confirm since today is a US Holiday, but it's looking like tomorrow, 19-Feb (Tue), UTC 21:00-22:00 is the time that is going to gel for everyone to meet via IRC in the #a11y room in irc.gnome.org.

For those interested in when that is relative to your time zone, take a look here:


If you have a conflict and really want to attend, please let me know soon.



Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

Based upon the feedback, I think the following times seem like they might work for us. It's a struggle, however, since we are all over the world, various people already have standing meetings, and there is also a bias towards a number of European folks not being able to do this during normal working hours.

Tue 19-Feb: UTC 21:00-22:00
Thu 20-Feb: UTC 19:00-???
Fri 21-Feb: UTC 19:00-???

Please let me know your availability/preferences for these slots, and I solidify it. If there's some other time that you really strongly prefer, please also let me know.

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