Re: [orca-list] I think my installed Ubuntu and Orca is just plain unstable...

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, Mike Ryan wrote:

Well haven't had much luck with trying to play a simple mp3 file. I'm
now on my 2ND player, Exhail. This does work some what except orca
craps out when the program runs or it won't play and Orca keeps on

If possible kill orca and then play your files.
If they work; go to the orca FAQ and read up on how to enable orca to use alsa...
(I think alsa instructions are there.)
And hopefully that is the problem.

Also make sure the player you use to play your files is using alsa.
For testing maybe use mplayer since this is alsa-based.
Or "alsaplayer".

Then use rythmbox.
This is probably alsa.

If some one has an idea on a decent player where I don't have to patch
up the damn thing, something out of the box like Itunes, winamp or
even windows meadia player that will run on Ubuntu, let me know?

Well do what I said above.
Hopefully its an alsa problem.
Then use rythmbox. I use it and its great!

Other than that, I guess I'm going to have to wait for another pc to
come available so that I can read and research in windows and then
move to the ubuntu machine to execute the various things I want to

What's wrong with orca and firefox? Then you can use copy/paste and alt tab between your research and where you need to be like gnome-terminal...

Or lynx and speakup if firefox doesn't work for you.

Daniel Dalton
d dalton iinet net au

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