[orca-list] Flat review in Firefox (was Re: Punctuation Levels)

Hi All:

There are a number of things that may be causing flat review to not work well in firefox. Some of these are due to a bug in Firefox:
Bug 384101 – text.getTextAtOffset broken for TEXT_BOUNDARY_LINE_START

There's also some known bugs we've either fixed recently or are at least tracking:
Bug 512847 – Flat review is quite broken in OpenOffice and Firefox

Bug 495303 – Character flat review not working correctly with generated texts in XUL
Some of these are very dependent upon the content you're looking at. 
So, if you have a specific URL where you can demonstrate the problem, 
please let us know.  It can help us determine if it is known bug or a 
new bug.


Steve Holmes wrote:
Hash: RIPEMD160

I observe similarly.  Sometimes I can get it to work by arrowing
around from side to side and then hitting the numpad dash key.
Sometimes that work, many times, the review cursor is sitting at the
top of the menu bar.

On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:50:43AM -0700, William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209 wrote:

I also can't use flat review in Firefox. I'm running snapshot 20080130 of firefox and xulrunner and version 2.21.90 of Orca.
Bill in Denver

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Tomas Cerha wrote:

Tomas Cerha napsal(a):
Hello Peter, this is well possible.  I fixed the default orca script,
but if the method is overridden in firefox script, it probably still
uses the previous approach.  I'll have a closer look at it.
Hello, I just checked the code and it seems ok to me.  I also tried
Firefox 3 beta 3 and keyboard review doesn't work for me.  Pressing the
keyboard review keyson numpad has no effect in Firefox, while it works
normally in other apps.  Am I doing something wrong?  Does anyone else
have the problem Peter described?

Best regards, Tomas
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