Re: [orca-list] Do many users exclusively use Linux?

On Sat, Dec 06, 2008 at 03:38:41PM -0500, luke wrote:
For me, it is a total windows replacement (haven't used windows on my 
personal machines since Win 3.11!:)), but I am a command line guy from 
wayback, so learning how to do things the non-graphical way is not a new 
thing for me.

I have been using Linux as my only operating system for about ten years now.
Before that, it was DOS, and further back, Apple II computers starting from
the mid 80s.

I have never used Windows at all.

I am still not doing a great many things under Gnome with Orca, but I am 
relatively new to Orca, so this will probably change.  I use Orca's 
console access via gnome-terminal to do many things, but I have been 
doing text editing, limited web browsing with Firefox, and similar small 
scale information retrieval type things with Gnome.
Everything else I am still doing from the command line.

I am in a similar position: I mostly work with the shell and text-based tools,
since they are quick and efficient to use, and often very powerful. I wouldn't
give that up willingly.

On the other hand, Web access, for example, is better under modern browsers
such as Mozilla Firefox, not only due to the Javascript but also as a result
of the support for structural navigation. Thus I tend to turn to Firefox for
Javascript-intensive and complex Web sites. If braille support were improved,
I might consider using Gnome-terminal more frequently, for example to simplify
copying of text between terminal applications and a browser.

I also find Emacs and Emacspeak to provide an excellent environment in which
to work.

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