Re: [orca-list] Many Ideas, Issues and Qs: Newb, Very Long

am Mi 30. Apr 2008 um 09:12:48 schrieb Veli-Pekka Tätilä <vtatila mail student oulu fi>:
q3. How do I stay in review mode for a long time without having to hold
down the Orca key? That would be handy if having to cursor through many
lines of console. I'm using the laptop layout on a desktop machine since
I recall letters better than numbres, and as I like to touch type and
very rarely use the numpad.
Unlike Windows screen readers, Orca has no permanent mode switching, such 
the Jaws cursor or the navigation mode in Dolphin products (I think it is 
called that, cannot remember clearly).
So you should take a look into the keybinding tab in the Orca preferences. 
You can completely redesign the layout, but I suspect that there's no way 
to avoid the numpad, since the cursor keys are reserved for the so called 
"focus tracking mode" of Orca - the pendant to the live-mode in Dolphin's 

q4. I'm not a big fan of Gnome, finding it annoyingly Windows like and
not power user enough, so is Xubuntu accessible with Orca? I've been
reading list archives and already know KDe, that all my sighted Linux
friends use, is not.
Till now, Orca is only usable in Ubuntu under Gnome, and I think that this 
does not change in the near future.
i4. I find some of the chosen hotkeys rather hard to recall especially
those in review mode. It might be helpful if the physical layout of keys
would be exploited to the max. I would find it far easier if the actions
for moving lines and characters, as in a grid, would be an up, down,
left, right arrow like formation, for example. Page keys and home/ end
could maybe signify larger units. But I don't know all the orca and
Gnome conventions so this is an old MS hand speaking, <grin>.
See above: You can adjust existing hotkeys, but be prepared of some work.

I use grml (

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