Re: [orca-list] Ubuntu Windows installer, now with accessibility!

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On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:48:59PM EST, Paul Hunt wrote:

Has this installer recently been updated (I mean since the Hardy beta?)

Yes, its on the latest hardy daily image.

Because I tried it from the beta and although you could run the installer 
and choose to  have Orca enabled from it, once you rebooted and picked 
Ubuntu from the menu for the firsdt time you didn't get speech straight 
away.  you needed sighted assistance to  finish the installation, or has 
this now been changed?

It certainly has.

Also, about the new install option booting from the live CD.  Once you press 
enter for English and then down arrow and press F5 are the accessibility 
options the same as for Gutsy etc?  i.e. 3 for Orca with speech?  And if you 
choose to boot the desktop can you then run the installer without any 
"hacking"?  Or is this still necessary.

Yes, the selection of the speech profile is still the same. However it is not possible to run the installer 
from the desktop without hacking, however I think booting into the installer with accessibility from the CD 
boot is better than nothing. My plan is to get the installer being accessible from the desktop for next 
release, but we'll see how that pans out.

Btw your work towards making accessible installation of linux is very much 

Thanks. We're some of the way there, but there are still things to be done.

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